avia.wikisort.org - Aerodromo

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L'Aeroporto Internazionale di Palm Beach è un aeroporto situato a 5 km da Palm Beach, negli Stati Uniti d'America.

Aeroporto Internazionale di Palm Beach
GestorePalm Beach County Department of Airports
Stato Stati Uniti
Stato federato Florida
Posizionea 5 km da Palm Beach
Altitudine6 m s.l.m.
Coordinate26°40′59″N 80°05′44″W
Mappa di localizzazione
Sito webwww.pbia.org/
Orientamento (QFU)LunghezzaSuperficie
9L/27R3 050 masfalto
9R/27L979 masfalto
13/312 113 masfalto
Statistiche (2008)
Passeggeri in transito6 476 303


L'aeroporto ha visto transitare il seguente numero di passeggeri per anno:

Altri progetti

Collegamenti esterni

Controllo di autoritàVIAF (EN) 123450903 · LCCN (EN) no95005256 · WorldCat Identities (EN) lccn-no95005256
Portale Aviazione
Portale Stati Uniti d'America
Portale Trasporti

На других языках

[de] Palm Beach International Airport

Der Palm Beach International Airport ist einer der drei internationalen Flughäfen der Metropolregion Miami in Florida. Er wurde 1936 eröffnet und liegt in etwa 80 Kilometern Entfernung zu Miami westlich der Stadt West Palm Beach.[1]

[en] Palm Beach International Airport

Palm Beach International Airport (IATA: PBI, ICAO: KPBI, FAA LID: PBI) is a public airport in Palm Beach County, Florida, located just west of the city of West Palm Beach, Florida, United States, which it serves as the primary airport for. It is also the primary airport for most of Palm Beach County, serving the suburbs and cities of Wellington, Delray Beach, Boynton Beach, Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, as well as Boca Raton. It is the third busiest airport in the Miami metropolitan area after Miami International Airport and Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood International Airport. The airport is operated by Palm Beach County's Department of Airports. Road access to the airport is direct from I-95, Southern Boulevard, and Congress Avenue. The airport is bordered on the west by Military Trail.

[es] Aeropuerto Internacional de Palm Beach

El Aeropuerto Internacional de Palm Beach (en inglés: Palm Beach International Airport) (IATA: PBI, OACI: KPBI, FAA LID: PBI) es un aeropuerto público en el condado de Palm Beach, Florida, al oeste de la ciudad de West Palm Beach, Florida, Estados Unidos. Es el aeropuerto principal de las áreas de Palm Beach, Delray Beach, Wellington y PBG/Júpiter. También es uno de los tres aeropuertos principales que sirven al Área metropolitana del Sur de la Florida. El aeropuerto es operado por el Departamento de Aeropuertos del condado de Palm Beach. El acceso por carretera al aeropuerto es directo desde la I-95, Southern Boulevard y Congress Avenue. El aeropuerto limita al oeste con Military Trail.

[fr] Aéroport international de Palm Beach

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- [it] Aeroporto Internazionale di Palm Beach

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