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Go Fly era una compagnia aerea a basso costo fondata nel 1995 da British Airways. Iniziò il suo servizio nel 1998 all'aeroporto di Londra Stansted. Nello stesso anno iniziò il suo servizio anche a Londra Luton. Solo due anni dopo, Go Fly venne venduta a EasyJet dopo una perdita di 21,8 milioni di sterline.

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[de] Go Fly

Go Fly (im Außenauftritt meist nur Go) war eine britische Billigfluggesellschaft mit Sitz in London und ein Tochterunternehmen der British Airways. Sie wurde im Jahr 2002 von easyJet übernommen und in diese integriert.

[en] Go (airline)

Go Fly (styled and trading as Go) was the name of a British low cost airline, founded by British Airways in May 1998. It operated flights between London Stansted Airport and destinations in Europe. The airline was purchased from BA, in a management buy out backed by the private equity firm 3i in June 2001. In May 2002, it was bought by its rival EasyJet, and was merged into the airline's operations by 2005.[1]
- [it] Go Fly

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