avia.wikisort.org - Aerodrome

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List of airports by ICAO code: A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Format of entries is:

HA - Ethiopia

Also see airport category and list.

HB - Burundi

Also see airport category and list.

HC - Somalia

Also see airport category and list.

HD - Djibouti

Also see airport category and list.

HE - Egypt

Also see airport category and list.

HH - Eritrea

Also see airport category and list.

HJ - South Sudan

Also see airport category and list.

South Sudan obtained a dedicated ICAO airport code prefix, HJ, in 2021. However, many airports continue to use the HS prefix that is used by Sudan.

HK - Kenya

Also see airport category and list.

HL - Libya

Also see airport category and list.

HR - Rwanda

Also see airport category and list.

HS - Sudan and South Sudan


Also see airport category and list.

South Sudan

See the section for South Sudan above.

HT - Tanzania

Also see airport category and list.

HU - Uganda

Also see airport category and list.


    На других языках

    - [en] List of airports by ICAO code: H

    [fr] Liste des codes OACI des aéroports/H

    Article principal : Liste des codes OACI des aéroports. Liste d'aéroports par code OACI : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    [it] Codici ICAO H

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