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Aeroflot Flight 1491 was a scheduled domestic passenger flight from Moscow-Vnukovo Airport to Kharkiv Airport in the USSR that crashed on 18 May 1972 while descending to land in Kharkiv, killing all 122 passengers and crew aboard the Antonov An-10.

Aeroflot Flight 1491
An Aeroflot Antonov An-10 similar to the accident aircraft
Date18 May 1972 (1972-05-18)
SummaryStructural failure leading to a loss of control
SiteNear Kharkiv, Ukraine
49°54′56″N 36°39′02″E
Aircraft typeAntonov An-10A
Flight originVnukovo Airport
DestinationKharkiv Airport

Aircraft and crew


Antonov An-10A, registration СССР-11215 (factory number 0402502, MSN 25-02), was manufactured at the Voronezh Aviation Plant on 3 February 1961. On 7 February 1961 it was delivered to Aeroflot's Kharkiv division. It was equipped with 4 turboprop Ivchenko AI-20 engines. At the time of the accident the aircraft accumulated 11,105 flight cycles and 15,483 flying hours.


The flight crew responsible flying the aircraft was from the 87th Flight Squad (Kharkiv United Squadron). Captain Vladimir Vasiltsov was in charge of this flight;[1] first officer Andrei Burkovskii, navigator Aleksandr Grishko, flight engineer Vladimir Shchokin, and radio operator Konstantin Peresechanskii were also in the flight deck.[2]


Flight 1491 took off from Moscow-Vnukovo Airport at 10:39 en route to Kharkiv in the Ukrainian SSR. While descending from its cruising altitude of 7,200 metres (23,600 ft) to an altitude of 1,500 metres (4,900 ft), the Antonov An-10 suffered structural failure resulting in the separation of both wings.[3] The fuselage then plunged into a wooded area, killing all 114 passengers and 8 crew on board the aircraft.[4][5][6]


Pravda reported on the crash of Flight 1491 shortly after it happened. At the time, it was unusual in the Soviet Union for there to be press reports on domestic air crashes.[7]

The probable cause of the crash was determined to be the center wing section failing due to a fatigue crack in the lower central wing panel.[8]

Following this accident, Aeroflot ceased the operation of An-10.[9]

See also


  1. "Сегодня – Международный день музеев - РЕДПОСТ". m.redpost.com.ua. Retrieved 11 May 2020.
  2. "Катастрофы Самолета Ан". prostobook.com. Retrieved 11 May 2020.
  3. "- | Газета ВРЕМЯ". timeua.info. Retrieved 11 May 2020.
  4. "Катастрофа Ан-10А Украинского УГА в районе Харькова". www.airdisaster.ru. Retrieved 11 January 2018.
  5. "Герой своего времени: история самолета Ан-10. Часть 2". naukatehnika.com (in Russian). Retrieved 11 May 2020.
  6. "Ан-10 и безопасность. Или — «Летайте самолётами…» — Русский Топ" (in Russian). Retrieved 11 May 2020.
  7. "Soviet Air Crash Bared". The Sun. 20 May 1972.
  8. "ASN Aircraft accident Antonov 10A CCCP-11215 Kharkov Airport (HRK)". aviation-safety.net. Retrieved 11 January 2018.
  9. Gero, David (1996). Aviation Disasters Second Edition. Patrick Stephens Limited. p. 105.

На других языках

[de] Aeroflot-Flug 1491

Am 18. Mai 1972 verunglückte eine vollbesetzte Antonow An-10 auf dem innersowjetischen Linienflug Aeroflot-Flug 1491 von Moskau beim Anflug auf Charkiw, wobei alle 122 Insassen starben. Dies war der opferreichste und zugleich letzte Unfall einer An-10. Für einen Flugunfall in der Sowjetunion sehr ungewöhnlich, wurde der Unfall auch in der britischen Boulevardzeitung The Sun erwähnt.
- [en] Aeroflot Flight 1491

[it] Volo Aeroflot 1491

Il volo Aeroflot 1491 era un volo passeggeri di linea dall'aeroporto di Mosca-Vnukovo all'aeroporto di Charkiv, nella RSS Ucraina. Il 18 maggio 1972, un Antonov An-10 operante su tale tratta si schiantò durante l'avvicinamento a Charkiv, provocando la morte di tutti i 122 a bordo.[1] È il peggior incidente nella storia di un aereo di questo tipo.[2]

[ru] Катастрофа Ан-10 под Харьковом

Катастрофа Ан-10 под Харьковом — крупная авиационная катастрофа, произошедшая 18 мая 1972 года. Авиалайнер Ан-10А авиакомпании «Аэрофлот» выполнял рейс SU-1491 по маршруту Москва—Харьков, но при заходе на посадку разрушился на части и рухнул на землю близ села Русская Лозовая в Дергачёвском районе Харьковской области неподалёку от областного центра, в 24 километрах от аэропорта Харькова. Погибли все находившиеся на его борту 122 человека — 115 пассажиров и 7 членов экипажа.

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